Human Resources

Highlights and Initiatives

Employee Wellness

The Human Resources (HR) department at LUMS organised a series of employee wellness programmes throughout the year, addressing critical health and well-being topics. These programmes included World Hepatitis Day, World Gratitude Day, World Teachers Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Day, World Heart Day, World Inclusion Day, and World Mental Health Day. Activities ranged from informative sessions led by medical experts to interactive workshops focusing on stress management, inclusion, and fostering gratitude within the LUMS community. These initiatives raised awareness about important health issues and promoted a supportive and inclusive environment.

Day Care

The Day Care Centre expanded its capacity to accommodate 100 children, including infants, due to increasing demand. Summer camp offerings grew with four new courses, resulting in double the enrollment compared to last year. The focus remained on activity-based Early Childhood Education (ECE) for preschoolers, while the extracurricular programme for school-going children remained popular. Three training sessions enhanced the team’s capabilities, covering childcare, communication skills, and health and hygiene. Infrastructure improvements, including age-appropriate play areas and specialised rooms, aligned with the goal of holistic child development.

Employee Engagement

HR organised a series of engaging employee programmes throughout the year. Highlights included the Salam Pakistan celebration on Independence Day, and the lively World Children’s Day. The Women in Charge initiative, a collaboration with Atlas Honda, focused on independence and road safety. The HR Carnival Extravaganza turned the hockey ground into a vibrant music, games, and treats area. Cultural activities included the History by Night tour in old Lahore and the Flag Lowering Ceremony at Wagah Border.

Salam Pakistan
August 2023

Christmas Celebrations
December 2023

History by Night
January 2024

Women in Charge
February 2024

LUMS Carnival Extravaganza
March 2024

Flag Lowering at Wagah
March 2024

Learning and Development

After a thorough training needs assessment at LUMS, HR consulted with various training providers, companies, and in-house trainers to develop the 2023-24 learning calendar. The Workplace Ethics Training, led by HR experts, focused on ethics, grievance resolution, and LUMS' code of conduct. Shehrbano Raza from the Office of Accessibility and Inclusion conducted sexual harassment training for custodial staff, covering policy, identification, and resolution of harassment issues. Additionally, Hamna Hatif from the HR office led monthly sessions to improve communication skills and parent-child interaction for daycare staff. To date, 405 employees have completed training, totaling 63,784 hours.

Elevating Leadership with Schuitema

Empowering Leaders through People Manager Training

Excellence at Work

Empowering Vision, Goals, and Strategic Roadmaps with KAF Human Excellence Partnership

Elevate Communication Excellence

Strategic Communication Masterclass with Dr. Aamna Khalid, Empowering Teams with Avant Visionaire Expertise

The Art of Dialogue

Enhancing Stakeholder Management, Negotiation Skills, and Conversational Dexterity with Trainer Mr. Wasif Mazhar from Make it Happen

Talent Acquisition

Recruitment Dashboard and Exit Analysis

LUMS management utilizes active reporting from quarterly and biannual reports to drive strategic hiring decisions, enhancing service level agreements (SLAs) and recruitment efficiency. By analyzing recruitment and exit data, the team strategically plans for long-term success and optimizes retention strategies. This approach helps identify trends and aligns recruitment with institutional goals, improving the recruitment process and stakeholder experience while adapting to market conditions.

Enhanced Digital Workflow

This year, LUMS is transitioning to an in-house Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to meet its recruitment needs better. The shift from ‘SAP SuccessFactors’ to the new ATS system is driven by the desire for a customised solution that aligns with LUMS' specific requirements. This system enhances recruitment workflow efficiency and improves the candidate experience, resulting in increased application completion rates and a smoother onboarding process.

Revamped Onboarding Experience

The onboarding process at LUMS has been significantly revamped, focusing on enhanced interview coordination and stakeholder collaboration to improve candidate experiences. These strategic changes have successfully attracted top-tier talent and generated positive testimonials, boosting LUMS's employer brand and industry reputation.

HR Operations

Mid-Year Salary Review

HR recently conducted a comprehensive mid-year salary review for staff, in addition to annual increments. This process evaluated salary adjustments based on individual performance and market standards. The review acknowledged employees' contributions by implementing raises aimed at retaining top talent and maintaining competitive compensation. These adjustments reflect the University's commitment to excellence and ongoing professional development.

Upgraded Transportation Services

HR has enhanced commuting options through partnerships with transportation providers, expanding coverage and increasing service frequency for both male and female staff. This initiative eases commuting challenges, promotes sustainability through shared transportation, and supports employee well-being and work-life balance, allowing staff to focus on their responsibilities without transportation stress.

Revamping of the Employees’ Portal

LUMS has revamped its e-Portal in collaboration with the IST department to enhance the employee experience and streamline internal processes. The updated platform features improved functionality, enhanced navigation, and personalised options to meet diverse workforce needs. This initiative aims to provide employees with easier access to resources and improve employment management, promoting a culture of innovation and efficiency at LUMS.

Inflationary Allowance to Employees

In response to the economic challenges posed by inflation, HR has implemented an inflationary allowance of up to 10% for employees. This additional financial support demonstrates LUMS' commitment to supporting its staff members' well-being and financial stability during periods of economic uncertainty.

Salary Advances on Instalments

LUMS has introduced salary advances in installments to support employees in financial need. Eligible employees can now access up to 80% of their salary in advance and repay it through monthly installments. This initiative aims to alleviate financial burdens and provide employees with greater peace of mind.

Service Awards

The HR office honoured employees for their dedication and exceptional commitment to the University by presenting Service Awards. These awards recognised individuals who completed 10, 20, or 30 continuous years at LUMS, highlighting their crucial role in the University's collective success.