Information Systems and Technology

Strategic Achievements

In-house ePortal Development

The ePortal has undergone redevelopment and is now a proprietary product owned by LUMS. This transition has eliminated any licensing costs associated with third-party solutions. It is fully integrated with SAP HCM and Procurement data and will continue to add more functionality.

Increase in Internet Bandwidth

Augmented LUMS internet bandwidth from 2.0 Gbps to 2.5 Gbps to meet the rising demands of the LUMS community while implementing optimisation measures to prioritise academic and research activities.

Introduction of BI Tool (Oracle Analytics)

Implemented a Business Intelligence tool to enable real-time informed decision-making across schools and departments, leveraging data insights for strategic planning and operations.

Policy Framework Development

Developed a robust policy framework addressing key organisational requirements and presented it to the VC office for approval, ensuring alignment with institutional objectives.

Upgrade and Migration of PABX System

Successfully upgraded the LUMS PABX system and migrated 240 extensions from analog to IP telephony, enhancing features, scalability, stability, and future-proofing the communication infrastructure.

Deployment of Data Backup Appliance

Implemented a Data Backup solution with advanced technological and cybersecurity features, including ransomware protection and faster data recovery, ensuring business continuity and data integrity.

Wireless Technology Upgrades

Upgraded wireless technology across the campus from Wi-Fi 5 to Wi-Fi 6, enhancing security features, user experience, connectivity, and performance of the wireless infrastructure.

Established Data Governance Framework

Implemented a comprehensive framework for managing and governing data, ensuring its integrity, availability, and security.

Setting Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Office

Established a dedicated office to oversee governance, risk, and compliance activities, enhancing organisational accountability and adherence to regulatory standards.


IST Tips Publication

IST has recently published a series of IST Tips aimed at raising user awareness of common IT issues and best practices. These tips cover a range of topics, including cybersecurity, data management, and software usage, to empower our users with the knowledge needed to navigate the digital landscape effectively.

Successful Completion of Annual Asset Replacement Cycle

Over the past three years, this has played a crucial role in reducing the backlog of aged computers requiring replacement. It also has contributed to reducing overall replacement costs by implementing proactive measures rather than reactive solutions.

Establishment of Data Analytics Section

Established a dedicated Data Analytics Section within IST to provide valuable insights to school deans and higher management, enhancing decision-making processes, including successfully completing the pilot with SDSB and subsequent rollout to other schools.

Edge Firewall Enhanced Security Features

Increased monitoring and control by enabling enhanced security features at the edge layer, mitigating threats such as DDOS attacks and ensuring a secure network environment.

Enhanced Network Connectivity

Improved network connectivity of two buildings up to 10Gig to enhance throughput capacity, speed, and connectivity, supporting seamless operations and collaboration.

Digital Security Assistant

Implemented a Digital Security Assistant to provide real-time guidance to users within their inbox and browser, enhancing awareness and proactive security measures.

Data Initiatives Completion

Completed various data initiatives, including creating data registers, data classification, and risk matrices for 13 departments within the University.

Risk Assessment of IST Systems

Conducted comprehensive risk assessments of IST systems, hardware, software, and digital information to identify and mitigate potential risks effectively.

LUMS Website Optimisation

Enabled HTTP/2 and FastCGI on the LUMS website, enhancing performance, security, and compliance with modern web standards.

Successful Completion of IT Asset Audit

Successfully completed comprehensive asset inventory, improved asset visibility, enhanced governance and accountability.

Expansion of Data Centre Storage Capacity

Expanded the storage capacity within the Data Centre to accommodate growing data needs, ensuring scalability and availability of critical resources.

Oversight of IST Governance

Established centralised oversight of IST governance, risk management, and compliance functions.


Staff Training on AI and Data Governance

Conducted training sessions for staff members on Artificial Intelligence and Data Governance, enhancing their skills and knowledge in emerging technologies and best practices. Conducted training sessions with external consultant for the Data Officers and Data Stewards regarding awareness of Data Governance and its implementation at LUMS.

Microsoft Teams Training for Faculty and Staff

It ensures optimised collaboration, productivity, and remote work readiness, fostering efficient communication and enhancing teaching and learning experiences.

Requests Handled by Helpdesk

Type No.
Requests Through System 6,67
Walk-In Users 3,15
Total 9,820

Multimedia Support

Type No.
Video Conferences/Mega Events/Webinars (Zoom/MS Team) 45 Sessions
SMD Booking - Central Courtyard 820 Hours
Recording Lectures 302 Hours

Information Security


IP's blocked


highly critical
activities fixed


staff members given
Cybersecurity Awareness