Office of Student Affairs

Message from the Dean

Throughout the year, we revitalised our efforts in fostering a vibrant residential community by organising a myriad of engaging activities. From Ustad K Sath Chai Aur Samosa sessions to thought-provoking discussions with the Student Council, and from exciting Kitchen Cook-offs to exhilarating cricket and football tournaments, our aim was to cultivate a sense of belonging and camaraderie among our students.

Moreover, our Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Office achieved remarkable success by hosting mega events that attracted over 8,000 delegates from across Pakistan. Additionally, our Model United Nations (MUN) team represented LUMS with distinction at prestigious conferences such as Harvard National MUN and Istanbul International MUN, securing coveted best delegation awards.

Our Career Services Office conducted their Annual Career Fair; hosting 212 organisations, spread across 34 sectors and over 1,800 participants. They were also able to place 95% of 2021 graduates in jobs/higher education in 9 months (80% in 3 months). In another achievement, they engaged 5,000 students across 15 programmes (e.g., tracking of each graduate, career guidance sessions, 45 company visits to campus, mock interviews, alumni mentorship, etc.).

Our Counselling and Psychological Services department (CAPS) has been steadfast in its commitment to providing world-class support to our students. Affiliated with the International Association of Counselling (IAC), CAPS has enhanced its services to align with international standards. The new website serves as a comprehensive resource hub tailored to the needs of students, faculty, and parents. Additionally, the introduction of monthly on-campus psychiatric consultations underscores our dedication to promoting mental well-being.

I encourage you to share your feedback and suggestions as we strive to continuously enhance the student experience.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and invaluable contributions to our academic community. I extend my best wishes to each of you in your academic pursuits and future endeavours.

Dr. Adnan Zahid

Residence – Hostels

The following improvements were made in the student hostels to improve the overall experience:

  • In collaboration with the Student Council, snooker rooms were established, offering recreational opportunities to hostel residents.
  • Wheelchairs have been added to each hostel in collaboration with the Student Council, promoting accessibility for students with mobility challenges.
  • Two new vending machines have been installed in a female hostel. They offer a variety of sanitary products to female students.
  • Three new bicycles have been added to the existing cycle fleet. These are available for commuting, and promote eco-friendly and healthy mobility options within the campus.

Residential College System

The Residential College System (RCS) at OSA is dedicated to creating communal spaces with programming that nurtures the intellectual, physical, social, and civic growth of students, surrounded by a diverse community of peers, alums, and faculty.

Ustad K Sath Chai Aur Samosa

In these sessions, faculty members join students for informal conversations over tea and samosas in common rooms. This year, 25 such events were hosted across different hostels.

Kitchen Cook-off

This event brings residents together to showcase their culinary talents, emphasising teamwork and camaraderie. This communal event celebrates diversity through shared meals prepared by residents, creating a vibrant social atmosphere.

CAPS and Wellness Sessions

These featured discussions and activities led by psychologists from the Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) team. These sessions equipped students with essential skills for managing their well-being and provided opportunities for social engagement.

Community Service Initiatives

In partnership with the LUMS Community Services Society, trips were organised to the Children’s Hospital and SOS Village. Students participated in meaningful community service, engaging with young cancer patients, and fostering a sense of civic responsibility and compassion.

Bonfire Night

This event promotes community spirit and strengthens interpersonal relationships among residents. It also provides a platform for students to develop collaborative skills and contributes to a lively and cohesive residential experience.

Floor Level Activities

Curated by our dedicated floor advisors in collaboration with residents, these activities include movie nights, DIY parties, board games, and painting sessions.

Sports, Wellness and Recreation

1 Credit Course

Approximately 688 students enrolled in 1-credit hour sports courses offered by the programme, which covered activities such as swimming for beginners, basketball, strength training, and conditioning.

Wellness and Wellbeing Programmes

418 participants engaged in these programmes which included taekwondo for beginners and endurance cardio workouts.

Wins and Awards

The LUMS female swimming team secured the 2nd position at the 12th Women Intervarsity, HEC. Simrah Nasir (BSc ’24) was recognised as the Best Player. The male team achieved the 4th position in the 43rd Men Intervarsity, HEC.

At the 59th National Table Tennis Championships 2023, the women’s team clinched the bronze medal, with Fatima Khan ranking in the top 4 nationally in women’s table tennis.

Amani Jannat (BSc ’25) made history as the first female sports climber to represent Pakistan on the international stage.

Sara Tariq (BSc ’24) led her team to win the title at the Prime Minister’s Talent Hunt Squash Provincial League.

Office of Co-Curricular Activities


Student Societies

0 +

Events Organised

0 +


PKR 0 million+

Event Registration Revenue

PKR 0 million+

Sponsorship Revenue

The Office of Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) at LUMS plays a crucial role in facilitating student engagement and growth beyond the classroom.

LUMS also encourages students to participate in international competitions such as international moot courts, Harvard Model United Nations (MUN), Turkish MUN, and others. These competitions provide students with a platform to showcase their talents on a global stage, interact with peers from different cultures, and gain a deeper understanding of international issues.

Counselling and Psychological Services

  • New website launched; a rich repository of resources tailored for students, faculty, and parents
  • Provided mental health first aid training for faculty, staff, and advising units through skill-building workshops and sessions
  • Introduced monthly on-campus psychiatric consultations for students, along with case conferences for counsellors
  • Introduced data and research analysis to support policy-making processes
  • Developed manuals for counselling, emergencis, psychological assessments, and operations
  • Introduced quality assurance measures including monthly feedback from students
  • Received Certificate of Appreciation from Monash University, Australia for being a placement provider for their Master’s in Counselling programme

Student Council

This year, the Student Council focused on campus development, and improving the campus experience for students at LUMS. This included holding awareness events and activities such as open mic events, art therapy activities, a bingo night, support groups, a PCOS awareness session, a Meet and Greet with the CAPS team, and talks on critical issues of mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Campus development initiatives included renovation of the female side of the LUMS mosque, renovation of the female and male gyms, and establishing snooker rooms in the male and female hostels.

The Disciplinary Committee (DC) ensured student representation in academic and non-academic DC cases. The Mental Health Committee ensured that feedback was promptly shared with CAPS and helped students with appointments and emergency cases. The Food and Pricing Committee held regular meetings to ensure fair pricing and quality of food on campus eateries. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee held meetings with each school and the Office of Accessibility and Inclusion to improve the mechanism for academic accommodations and address the need for menstrual petitions.

To address the genocide in Palestine, the Council, alongside the Student Action Committee, held a solidarity walk on campus, as well as carrying out a fundraiser in collaboration with Al-Khidmat. During Ramadan, the Council collaborated with the LUMS Community Service Society to conduct iftar drives.

Career Services Office

The Career Services Office (CSO) is dedicated to guiding career exploration, improving job readiness, and ensuring appropriate placement of students in its domain.






opportunities shared


On-campus organisation
visits for hiring

Placement Statistics

95% students were placed – out of which 71% of graduating batch was placed on jobs, while

9% pursued higher education. 6% prepared for tests (CSS, GRE etc.) and

5% opted for entrepreneurship as their careers.


  • Collaborated with the MGSHSS Career Centre to conduct 13 in-class career readiness and exploration sessions in various courses for 1st and 4th year students from MGSHSS
  • Launched a bi-weekly newsletter which compiles relevant job/internships opportunities, recruitment drives, career readiness workshops and other relevant announcements
  • Launched the CSO helpdesk, to ensure all queries from students, LUMS community and external partners are addressed timely and appropriately
  • Shared over 728 job and internship announcements through email and Connect Job Portal
  • 200 new recruiters added to the CSO database, resulting in 2,000 hiring partners
  • Facilitated 45 on-campus visits for employment with recruiting partners such as McKinsey, Kearney, Acasus, and many more

The Annual Career Fair 2024


participating organisations



0 +

student and alumni attendance

Student Support Services

Orientation 2023

~ 0


0 +

unique sessions per students

0 +

campus units involved


~ 0

queries received

~ 0

approved petitions

0 days

average resolution time

Disciplinary Committee Support Unit




formal cases


guilty verdicts



Academic Advising and Student Success

The central Office of Academic Advising and Student Success (OAASS) comprises two units: Student Success (SS), and Academic Advising.

Student Success

The Student Success unit of the Office has the following objectives:

  • Creating targeted programming for various student populations coming from different demographics/vulnerabilities at LUMS, so that all students can thrive irrespective of their background, resources or circumstances. The Student Success unit of OAASS has a joint partnership with the NOP Centre, called the Student Success Initiative, which currently runs 20+ different programmes under 3 diverse domains.
  • Serving as an incubator to identify effective programmes that can be scaled from a limited target population to the entire LUMS community. This year the team focused on expanding peer tutoring support. Other initiatives have focused on identifying, tracking, and monitoring of vulnerable students through the Campus Case Manager and collaborating on Alumni Mentorship with the Office of Advancement.

In addition, the unit also serves as an internal institutional think tank by developing best practice research/guidelines to support other departments where SS may not be involved operationally.

Academic Advising

Delivery of Academic Advising remains the responsibility of each school where respective faculty, staff, and peer advisers work with students directly. The focus of the central advising unit is to strengthen undergraduate advising by working as a partner. It helps set university-wide standards and build capacity within the school’s current advising system to improve student support, experience and outcomes.

The Academic Advising unit spearheaded some central, cross-school initiatives including the following:

School-based Initiatives

All schools worked on strengthening specific elements of their advising system. Some key accomplishments done at school level include:

  • Faculty batch rep programme was integrated with LUMS orientation so that first years can have meaningful interactions with faculty members right at the start of their journey at LUMS.
  • Helpdesk, an email ticketing system that ensures responsiveness to queries, was launched in SBASSE.
  • To ensure institutional continuity, official documents and protocols were established in MGSHSS for annual advising tasks and projects.
  • Mandatory vs non-mandatory meetings were restructured in SBASSE and SAHSOL so that students from different batches can have interactions with faculty/staff.

LUMS Advising Website was launched as a repository of resources for LUMS and beyond, containing handouts and 28 tipsheets on frequent concerns brought up by students, 19 major exploration guidebooks to guide declared and undeclared students, 21 industry-specific guides mentioning academic and non-academic requirements for different careers, and 16 graduate study handouts with input from 70 faculty and 120+ alumni. It also contained a designated page for academic leadership at other universities to refer to as an initiative of inter- university resource-sharing and mobilisation.

The Student Experience Survey was launched last year to gather data on advising-related questions and expanded this year to contain questions on campus resources, facilities, and well-being. This expansion allows us to gather data on the overall quality of student life on campus.

Coordination among schools and cross- pollination of ideas was strengthened by planning strategic planning committee (SPC) meetings/ retreats outside of the university every semester with all advising staff. Additionally, short meetings were conducted throughout the year with individual advisors/ schools as needed.

Alumni Mentorship Programme was launched in collaboration with Advancement. 70 seniors were matched with different mentors for guidance on career-related options, higher education, and entrepreneurship.