Office of the Registrar


0 +

students from undergraduate
and graduate programmes




academic documents’
requests catered


online queries handled from
September 1, 2023, till April 15, 2024


Shifting of Manual Documentation Process to PCD-OS

After the introduction of the PhD Country Directory Online System (PCD-OS) by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), the LUMS Office of the Registrar (RO) has transitioned from a manual documentation process to an online document submission system called PCD for PhD graduating students. Previously, the pack of PhD student documents, shared by the RO with the HEC, comprised around 20 different kinds of documents. With the PCD-OS, the submission process becomes streamlined, saving time and resources for all involved parties. Additionally, it provides a centralized platform for managing and tracking the progress of document submissions, making it easier for RO to manage the administrative tasks associated with PhD graduations. It also facilitates the earliest allocation of PCD numbers by the HEC to PhD graduates.

LUMS Educational Documents Verification Portal

To ensure the authenticity and accessibility of academic records, an online educational documents’ verification portal has been introduced. The HEC team or any other organisation can check the basic academic details of any student or alumni through this portal. This has made the process more efficient and convenient for both students and institutions. Having barcodes on transcripts and degrees now adds an extra layer of security to the verification process. The verification process guidelines are also available at the backside of students’ transcript.

Improved Security Features on Transcript and Degrees

New security features such as a QR code, security key, and serial number have been introduced on LUMS’ educational documents (transcripts and degrees) to enhance document authenticity.

Convocation 2023

The Convocation 2023 ceremony was held on June 24, 2023, with 1,453 graduating students. 996 were undergraduate students and 457 were from graduate programmes. RO was responsible for the execution of academic and administrative functions to ensure a successful Convocation ceremony.

Key Enhancements in Grading System

In the past fiscal year, RO has made significant strides in enhancing the functionality of the grader interface, contributing to a more streamlined and effective grading process. Through collaborative efforts with the Information Systems and Technology (IST) team, several key enhancements have been implemented aimed at improving user experience and facilitating clearer communication within the grading system.

Enhanced Grading Graphs and Finalised Grade Report Visuals

One of the Office’s most notable achievement has been the development and testing of improved grading graphs within the grader interface. These enhanced graphs provide instructors with a clearer visual representation of grades distribution, enabling better analysis of grading trends and identification of potential outliers. This enhancement empowers instructors to make more informed decisions regarding student performance, enhancing the quality of education delivery, and improving instructional strategies and student support initiatives. In collaboration with the IST team, RO has also implemented borders in the bar chart section of grade reports, enhancing visual clarity and professionalism. These borders make data easier to interpret for instructors, administrators, and students who receive these reports, thereby improving overall user experience and satisfaction.

Enhanced Communication Using Grader

To enhance communication regarding cut-off changes, RO has revised the ‘reject’ button with an option to ‘suggest’ new sets of cut-offs within the interface to display a more informative message i.e. ‘new cut-offs have been suggested’ following successful cut-off proposals by Deans or Heads of Departments. This simple yet impactful adjustment provides instructors with accurate feedback on cut-off changes, reducing confusion and promoting clarity within the grading workflow. An option for faculty and approving authorities to add comments, both at approval and grades suggestion levels, has been introduced. The comments are subsequently linked with the auto-generated email messages delivered to involved stakeholders at each phase during the grade submission process. This improves communication and transparency within the grading system, fostering greater trust and collaboration among users.